The Decorator Pattern is used for adding additional functionality to a particular object as opposed to a class of objects. It is easy to add functionality to an entire class of objects by subclassing an object, but it is impossible to extend a single object this way. With the Decorator Pattern, you can add functionality to a single object and leave others like it unmodified.
A Decorator, also known as a Wrapper, is an object that has an interface identical to an object that it contains. Any calls that the decorator gets, it relays to the object that it contains, and adds its own functionality along the way, either before or after the call. This gives you a lot of flexibility, since you can change what the decorator does at runtime, as opposed to having the change be static and determined at compile time by subclassing. Since a Decorator complies with the interface that the object that it contains, the Decorator is indistinguishable from the object that it contains. That is, a Decorator is a concrete instance of the abstract class, and thus is indistinguishable from any other concrete instance, including other decorators. This can be used to great advantage, as you can recursively nest decorators without any other objects being able to tell the difference, allowing a near infinite amount of customization.
Decorators add the ability to dynamically alter the behavior of an object because a decorator can be added or removed from an object without the client realizing that anything changed. It is a good idea to use a Decorator in a situation where you want to change the behaviour of an object repeatedly (by adding and subtracting functionality) during runtime.
The dynamic behavior modification capability also means that decorators are useful for adapting objects to new situations without re-writing the original object's code.
The frequency for use of Decorator is medium. The following is example code for this pattern:
//Program tested on Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 - Zahid Ghadialy
//Decorator is part of Structural Patterns
//Structural Patterns deal with decoupling the interface and implementation of classes and objects
//The Decorator pattern provides us with a way to modify the behavior of individual objects without
// having to create a new derived class.
//The example here shows a Library that contains information about the books
//After the class was created, it was decided to have a borrowable functionality added
using namespace std;
// The 'Component' abstract class
class LibraryItem
void SetNumCopies(int value)
numCopies_ = value;
int GetNumCopies(void)
return numCopies_;
virtual void Display(void)=0;
int numCopies_;
// The 'ConcreteComponent' class#1
class Book : public LibraryItem
Book(string author, string title, int numCopies) : author_(author), title_(title)
void Display(void)
cout<<"\nBook ------ "<<endl;
cout<<" Author : "<<author_<<endl;
cout<<" Title : "<<title_<<endl;
cout<<" # Copies : "<<GetNumCopies()<<endl;
Book(); //Default not allowed
string author_;
string title_;
// The 'ConcreteComponent' class#2
class Video : public LibraryItem
Video(string director, string title, int playTime, int numCopies) : director_(director), title_(title), playTime_(playTime)
void Display(void)
cout<<"\nVideo ------ "<<endl;
cout<<" Director : "<<director_<<endl;
cout<<" Title : "<<title_<<endl;
cout<<" Play Time : "<<playTime_<<" mins"<<endl;
cout<<" # Copies : "<<GetNumCopies()<<endl;
Video(); //Default not allowed
string director_;
string title_;
int playTime_;
// The 'Decorator' abstract class
class Decorator : public LibraryItem
Decorator(LibraryItem* libraryItem) : libraryItem_(libraryItem) {}
void Display(void)
int GetNumCopies(void)
return libraryItem_->GetNumCopies();
LibraryItem* libraryItem_;
Decorator(); //not allowed
// The 'ConcreteDecorator' class
class Borrowable : public Decorator
Borrowable(LibraryItem* libraryItem) : Decorator(libraryItem) {}
void BorrowItem(string name)
void ReturnItem(string name)
list<string>::iterator it = borrowers_.begin();
while(it != borrowers_.end())
if(*it == name)
void Display()
int size = (int)borrowers_.size();
cout<<" # Available Copies : "<<(Decorator::GetNumCopies() - size)<<endl;
list<string>::iterator it = borrowers_.begin();
while(it != borrowers_.end())
cout<<" borrower: "<<*it<<endl;
list<string> borrowers_;
//The Main method
int main()
Book book("Erik Dahlman","3G evolution",6);
Video video("Peter Jackson", "The Lord of the Rings", 683, 24);
cout<<"Making video borrowable"<<endl;
Borrowable borrowvideo(&video);
borrowvideo.BorrowItem("Bill Gates");
borrowvideo.BorrowItem("Steve Jobs");
return 0;
The output is as follows:
For more information see:
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